2 Outcomes of Talent Marketplace Applications

Take a look at a few of the talent marketplace applications in the audiobook world:

There are others, too—and together they’re reshaping the way things work. A case: A producer is looking for a female narrator from the Philippines who speaks unaccented American English when necessary. The producer sets the filters in the app, and pop! She has a few candidates in minutes—and likely, an audition or two by EOD. Ten years ago? Unimaginable.

Likely outcomes in casting: (1) more diversity and (2) more youth. More diversity is obvious. (Just broaden the implications of the case above.) What about youth? Younger people adopt apps and create profiles. The more they do that, the more they’ll populate search results, the more opportunities they’ll have to be cast. And the more they’re cast, the more they’re cast.

The reality: Whatever the business models behind them, talent marketplace apps can contribute powerfully to the operational side of audiobook divisions and production companies. Keep up with them. They aren’t going away. They’re too useful as casting engines for publishers and producers, too much a source of opportunity and FOMO for narrators.


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