Why Eljin 5.0?

Okay, so why name the blog Eljin 5.0?

This is the fifth Eljin platform.

Eljin 1.0 (released around 2010 or 2011) - The alpha. It let users generate orders for talent payment. The UI got better-looking and the functionality on the backend got WAY more sophisticated over the years, and we did our first software integration—with QuickBooks.

Eljin 2.0 (released 2016 or 2017) - AKA eljinincach.com, the product that generated electronic payments. Takeaways on encryption and banking software.

Eljin 3.0 (released 2016) - AKA erggo.us, a talent showcase platform. Erggo has hosted ten APA speed-dating events and counting—and introduced hundreds of narrators to producers.

Eljin 4.0 (released early 2019) - AKA EljinInc.global, a talent payment application for publishers, ACTRA talent, and their agents in Canada. A prototype for a much more complex platform.

Eljin 5.0 - AKA what you’re looking at.

Eljin 6.0 - Say goodbye to the old software! 6.0 releases this Tues 11/16 (@ noon EST), replacing 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 as a fully-integrated, secure union talent payment platform for the audiobook industry. There are a fair number of features in this first release. If you don’t have an Eljin account, it’s easy to sign up here.

[UPDATE: Release is delayed. Software works beautifully. Just need to assure that our data migration is super clean! Back to you soonest.]

Action Required: If you’ve done business with Eljin in the past three years, you already have a profile in the system. You’ll need to activate the account by resetting your password. (Just make sure that you’re using the same email you’ve used in the past.)

Let the new eljininc.com start and serve us well!


A Misstep. Zooms. The AI Keeps Coming.


2 Outcomes of Talent Marketplace Applications